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The College Fire on 10 Oct 1961 by Richard Winn and Others - 1500
Some personal memories from Miles Rhodes - 1501
Memories of Scarborough College by Alaistair Postle - 1502
More memories by Alistair Postle - 1502A
David Read 1959 1964 - 1503
Woodworking by John Hobson - 1504
Memories of Lodge House in the 60s by Miles Rhodes - 1506
A Sunday Walk to The Mere by Miles Rhodes - 1507
Memories of the CCF Signal Section in the 60s by Miles Rhodes - 1507A
A Shot In The Dark by Stephen Bartlett - 1508
Escape From Wheatcroft Brow by John Hobson - 1509
The legendary Discipline Card - 1510
Memories of Scarborough College by Adrian Hanwell - 1511
THE TRIFFID INCIDENT by Richard Winn Amended Version - 1512
Life at the School by unknown Author - 1513
Peter Alton AKA Peter Alton Green 1957 to 1960 - 1514
Memories of Lisvane by Guy Smith - 1515
Memories of Lisvane in Photos 1955 to 1957 by David Beacock - 1516
Memories of Lisvane Sports Day 1956 in Photos by David Beacock - 1516A
Memories of Lisvane in photos by Charles Morrison - 1516B
Memories of Lisvane Staff from the 50s in photos supplied by Charles Morrison - 1516C
Memories of Lisvane pupils from the 50s in photos by Charles Morrison - 1516D
Ian Carmichael from Newspaper Article - 1517
Consequences as recalled by Tim Proud - 1518
Memories of Jack Bellum Sutcliffe by Phillip Mann - 1519
Gating Cards by Adrian Hanwell - 1520
Our Own James Bond - 1521
John Alderson reads The Second Lesson by John Curly Hobson - 1522
The Discipline Card by John Curly Hobson - 1523
The Duke of Edinburghs Silver Award by Richard Winn - 1524
Hugo Hood And The CCF - 1525
966 And All That by John Curly Hobson - 1526
Denys Crews The Times Obituary including War record - 1527A
Memories of Denys Crews by Suzanne and David Crews - 1527B
Memories of Denys Crews by Phil Mann - 1527C
Memories of Denys Crews by Bill Outram - 1527D
Memories of Denys Crews by John Hobson - 1527E
Memories of Denys Crews by David Read - 1527F
Dr Chris Coulson memories of Peter Burton - 1528
Early Warning by Harland Walshaw - 1529
The Camping Stove - 1530
My Favourite Teacher by Paul Bishop - 1531
My Journey in Rugby by Ted Atkinson - 1532
Short stories by Chris Coulson - 11533
College 1980s Memories by Emico Dunindam - 11535
Introduction to Emico Dunindam video - 11536
Introduction to Emico Dunindam video - 11537A
Memories of teaching at the College by Martin S Webb - 11538
Another visit to Mr Gees Study by John Isles - 11539
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Press Cuttings suppied by Paul Swinger
Programmes produced for Drama Productions