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Lisvane Prospectus undated but assumed circa 1940 - 14000
Lisvane Prospectus circa 1976 1978 - 14000AA
Lisvane Prospevtus circa 1980 - 14000BB
J G Slater Lisvane School Reports by Terms combined in order - 14001
Scarborough College Prep School by Paul Swinger - 14002
Lisvane School photo 1985 - 14003
Mollie Whiteley Matron at Lisvne 1977 1995 - 14004A
Mollie Whiteley Lisvane Photos from 1977 1995 Album 1 - 14004B
ALBUM 2 Vol 1 - 14004C
ALBUM 2 Vol 2 - 14004D
ALBUM 2 Vol 3 - 14004E
ALBUM 2 Vol 4 - 14004F
ALBUM 2 Vol 5 - 14004G
ALBUM 3 Vol 1 - 14004H
ALBUM 3 Vol 2 - 14004I
Album 3 Vol 3 - 14004J
ALBUM 3 Vol 4 - 14004K
ALBUM 3 Vol 5 - 14004L
ALBUM 4 Vol 1 - 14004M
ALBUM 5 - 14004O
ALBUM 4 Vol 2 - 14004N
ALBUM 6 Vol 1 - 14004P
ALBUM 6 Vol 2 - 14004Q
ALBUM 6 Vol 3 - 14004R
ALBUM 6 Vol 4 - 14004S
ALBUM 7 - 14004T
ALBUM 8 Vol 1 - 14004U
ALBUM 8 Vol 2 - 14004V
ALBUM 8 Vol 3 - 14004W
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College Prize Giving
College Reports
Obituaries WWI
Obituaries WWII
Obituaries: an Introduction to those departed
Obituaries: Others Departed
OSA Documents
OSA Reunion 2020 photos
Other Documents
Press Cuttings suppied by Paul Swinger
Programmes produced for Drama Productions