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0087 - Scouting possibly 1935
0088 - Scouting and Cricket pavilion possibly 1935
0089 - Scouting and school archway possibly 1935
0404 - College Queen Scouts 2 1961
2106 - Scout Group Morrell Walshaw P Burton Brisby and Templar 1959
2107 - Scout Group Todd Wilkinson and Walshaw 1957
2108 - Scout Group Walshaw Todd and Wilkinson 1955
2110 - First Scout Camp 1957 Walshaw Coulson and Wilkinson
2111 - Scouts Coulson Todd and Walshaw 1956
2112 - Scouts Names Unknown
2113 - Scouts Names Unknown
2114 - Scouts Names Unknown
2115 - Ian Brisby and David Hayton
2116 - Roger Fenby
2117 - Scouts
2118 - Scouts Names Unknown
2119 - Scouts Name Unknown
2120 - Clegg and Coulson at Windy Pitts 1960
2123 - A Scout Name Unknown
2124 - Scout Name Unknown
2125 - Scout Name Unknown
2129 - Richards and Walshaw
2130 - Mike Jackson David Steele and Harland Walshaw
2131 - Chris Housman John Taylor and Nigel Robinson other names not known
2132 - Scouts
2133 - Scout Group Calder Blunt Wilkinson and Richards
2134 - Peter Burton Bruce Calder David Steele and Harland Walshaw
2135 - Tim Morrell Mike jackson and Harland Walshaw
2136 - Walshaw and John Taylor
2137 - Paul Butcher
2139 - Scouts David Hayton and Ian Brisby
2140 - J Richards and others with large snowball
2144 - Scouts Names Unknown
2145 - Scouts in the Grampians
2146 - Scout camp
2147 - Walshaw with Snowball
2148 - H Walshaw snowballing
2149 - Scouts First Aid Demo
2151 - Scout Camp
2152 - Scout Name Unknown
2153 - Scout at Easingwood
2154 - Scout at Easingwood
2155 - John Taylor On Mere
2156 - Scouts Names Unknown
2157 - John Allen Fishing
2158 - John Allen and Martin Brook
2160 - David Wilkinson
2161 - At Ingleborough David Wilkinson
2162 - Scout traversing pond date unknown
2163 - Scouts on night hike
2164 - Ian Hart Peter Fryer Tim Kirkby
2165 - Chris Coulson on Zip Wire
2166 - Chris Coulson on Zip Wire
2167 - John Allen 1963
2168 - Scouts David Wilkinson and others unknown
2169 - Scouts Buttermere
2170 - Scouts names unknown
2171 - Scout name unknown
2172 - Scout Unknown
2173 - Scout Neil McDonald
2174 - Scouts John Allen and Martin Brook
2175 - Scouts John Allen Martin Brook
2176 - Derrik Hancock Music Scripture Teacher
2177 - Scouts on The Mere
2178 - Scout Nigel Robinson
2180 - Scout Camp Cumbria Coulson Farnsworth and Wilkinson
2181 - Scout Rodney Farnsworth
2182 - Scouts Walshaw Morrell Shaw
2183 - Scout John Allen
2184 - Scout Tim Morrell
2185 - Scout name unknown
2186 - Scouts names unknown
2187 - Scout
2188 - Scout Group names not known
2189 - Scouts details not known
2190 - Scout Camp in Italy Derrick Hancock John Taylor Harland Walshaw and J Richards
2191 - Scouts at Robin Hoods Bay names not known
2192 - John Allen Martin Brook
2193 - Scouts Canoeing David Wilkinson and Ian Pemberton
2194 - Scouts details not known
2195 - Scout details not known
2196 - Scout John Allen and unknown
2197 - Scouts Paul Butcher Chris Coulson
2198 - Scout Camp Walshaw Brook and others
2199 - Scout Martinson
2200 - Scouts Graham Simpson John Allen
2201 - Scout John Allen
2202 - Scouts Hulse Robertson Richards On Train
2203 - Scouts Fire Rescue names not known
2204 - Scouts names not known
2205 - Scout H Walshaw on Flamborough Head
2206 - Scout name and details not known
2207 - Scouts names not known
2208 - Scout details unknown
2209 - Scouts names not known
2210 - Scouts names unknown
2211 - Early Morning at Scout Camp No Details known
2212 - Scouts names unknown
2213 - Scouts names unknown
2215 - Scouts David Earnshaw and others
2216 - Scouts names unknown
2217 - Scout John Allen and other unknown
2218 - Scout Map Reading
2219 - Scouts Alex Templar and others Map Reading
2220 - Scouts names unknown
2221 - Scouts Chris Coulson and Martyn Conyers on Zip Wire
2222 - Scouts names unknown
2224 - Scouts names unknown
2225 - Scouts names unknown
2226 - Scout Chris Coulson
2227 - Rodney Farnsworth David Milner and others
2228 - Scout On Wire
2229 - Scouts On Mere
2230 - Scouts names unknown
2231 - Scout name unknown
2232 - Scouts names unknown
2233 - Scouts in Pennines
2235 - Scouting in the snow names unknown
2237 - Scouts names unknown
2238 - Scouts names unknown
2240 - Scout With Firework name unknown
2241 - Scouts on The Mere
2242 - Scouts First Aid
2243 - Scouts on The Mere
2244 - Scouts Alex Templar Chris Coulson
2245 - Scouts Map Reading names unknown
2246 - Scouts D Bedford
2247 - Scouts Hart and Walshaw
2249 - Scouts Walshaw Walsh Houseman Wilkinson and Johnson
2250 - Scout J Richards
2251 - Scouts Wilkinson Walshaw and Walsh
2252 - Greek Scout Camp Calder Hart Walshaw Blunt
2253 - Scouts Wilkinson and unknown
2254 - Scout John Allen
2255 - Scouts John Taylor and others unknown
2256 - Scouts names unknown
2257 - Scouts names unknown
2258 - Scouts names unknown
2259 - Scout Camp details not known
2260 - Scouts names unknown
2261 - Scouts Mountain Hike
2263 - 1958 The Scout Magazine cover page Wilkinson and H Walshaw
2265 - Queen Scout climbing course on Snowdon in Dec1960 Wilkinson
2266 - Queen Scout climbing course Snowdon Coulson in white out Dec 1960
2267 - Queen Scouts Bristol Oct 1960 From bk left Clegg Coulson Allan and Butcher
2268 - Scout Camp Avimore 1960 Coulson Wilkinson Calder
2270 - Scout camp 157 Wales L R Todd Coulson Wilkinson Walshaw
2271 - Scout camp 1957 Wales L R Walshaw Coulson Wilkinson Todd
2272 - Scout camp at Langdale End 1958 Coulson
2273 - Scout camp 1957 Wales L R Todd Coulson Wilkinson Walshaw kneeling Peter Burton plus friends
2274 - Scout camp New Quay Wales 1957 Walshaw Wilkinson Coulson
2275 - Scout camp Wales 1957 THE LOBSTER Walshaw Coulson Wilkinson
2276 - Scout camp Wales 1957 photo by P Burton
2277 - Scout camp Wales 1957 Wilkinson and lobster
2278 - Scout camp Wales 1957 Wilkinson and Todd
2279 - Scout camp Wales 1957 Wilkinson Coulson Todd
2280 - Scout camp Wales 1957 How the lobster was caught Coulson Todd Walshaw
2282 - Scout camp Grange Borrowdale Coulson (photo PB)
2283 - Scout camp Lakes 1958 Coulson in Langdale
2284 - Scout Camp in the Lakes Coulson on Brown Slabs in Borrowdale From The Young Natualist Aug 1960
2285 - Scout camp Lakes Wilkinson lower down and Coulson in Borrowdale
2286 - Scouts Coulson
2287 - Scouts Coulson Butcher and Conyers On Mount Spring 1958
2288 - Scouts Olivers Mount 1957 Coulson
2289 - Scouts Conyers Butcher and Coulson On Olivers Mount
2290 - Scouts Coulson and Butcher (photo PB)
2291 - Scouts Coulson on Mount Spring 1958
2292 - Scouts The Quarry Olivers Mount Coulson (photo PB)
2362 - On the way to Scout camp in Wales 1957 Coulson and Walshaw
2367 - Scouts Olivers Mount 1958 Coulson on horse belonging to Binns (photo PB)
2417 - Scout Camp Newquay 1957 Peeling Potatoes
2418 - Scout Camp Newquay 1957 In Water At Coybol
2419 - Scout Trip Italy 1964 Harland Walshaw At Hadrians Villa Tivoli
2420 - Climbing Snow Slope Cairn Gorms
2421 - David Walsh In Stream 1962
2422 - Paul Butcher Chris Coulson In Snow Date and Location Unknown
2423 - Neil MacDonald On Bagpipes
2424 - Butcher Conyers and Coulson In Snow
2425 - Ian Hart Harland Walshaw Scarfell Pikes Circa 1960
2427 - Scouts In Cairn Corms Date Unknown
2428 - Scouts Cooking Names and Date Unknown
2429 - Scout Gilbert Guy
2430 - Scouts Jo Richards and Alex Templer
2431 - Scout Chris Horsman Tossing Pancake
2433 - Scout Michael Woodward 1965
2434 - Scouts Mapreading On Hike Names Unknown
2439 - Scouts On Rope Bridge Names and Date Unknown
2442 - Scouts Jo Richards Alex Templar Circa 1960
2444 - Queens Scouts 1961
2450 - Scouts In Tent Brian Pickard and Others
2452 - Chris Coulson Climbing Date Unknown
2453 - Chris Coulson and David Wilkinson Climbing Date Unknown
2454 - Scout Chris Horsman Pancake Tossing with David Easingwood Roger Fenby
2455 - Chris Coulson and David Wilkinson Climbing Date Unknown
2459 - Scouts Sawing Log Names Unknown David Steel
2460 - Scouts Mapreading Names and Date Unknown
2464 - Scouts Mapreading No Names or Dates
2465 - Scouts Harland Walshaw and David Wilkinson 1957
CCF Annual Camps
CCF Annual Inspections - both Naval and Army Sections
CCF General - includes currently unsorted photos
D of E
Drama: including School Plays and Musicals
Enrichment Programme
Former Teachers
House group photos
Lyke Wake Walk
Miscellaneous (not assigned yet)
Old College Uniforms
OSA Members
OSA Reunion 2020 photos
Other school sports
Rugby - 1st XV
Rugby - 2nd XV
Rugby - U12s
Rugby - U13s
Rugby - U14s
Rugby - U15s
Rugby - U16s
Rugby General - includes currently unsorted photos
School general
School group photos
Trips and Visits