

0087 - Scouting possibly 1935

0088 - Scouting and Cricket pavilion possibly 1935

0089 - Scouting and school archway possibly 1935

0404 - College Queen Scouts 2 1961

2106 - Scout Group Morrell Walshaw P Burton Brisby and Templar 1959

2107 - Scout Group Todd Wilkinson and Walshaw 1957

2108 - Scout Group Walshaw Todd and Wilkinson 1955

2110 - First Scout Camp 1957 Walshaw Coulson and Wilkinson

2111 - Scouts Coulson Todd and Walshaw 1956

2112 - Scouts Names Unknown

2113 - Scouts Names Unknown

2114 - Scouts Names Unknown

2115 - Ian Brisby and David Hayton

2116 - Roger Fenby

2117 - Scouts

2118 - Scouts Names Unknown

2119 - Scouts Name Unknown

2120 - Clegg and Coulson at Windy Pitts 1960

2123 - A Scout Name Unknown

2124 - Scout Name Unknown

2125 - Scout Name Unknown

2129 - Richards and Walshaw

2130 - Mike Jackson David Steele and Harland Walshaw

2131 - Chris Housman John Taylor and Nigel Robinson other names not known

2132 - Scouts

2133 - Scout Group Calder Blunt Wilkinson and Richards

2134 - Peter Burton Bruce Calder David Steele and Harland Walshaw

2135 - Tim Morrell Mike jackson and Harland Walshaw

2136 - Walshaw and John Taylor

2137 - Paul Butcher

2139 - Scouts David Hayton and Ian Brisby

2140 - J Richards and others with large snowball

2144 - Scouts Names Unknown

2145 - Scouts in the Grampians

2146 - Scout camp

2147 - Walshaw with Snowball

2148 - H Walshaw snowballing

2149 - Scouts First Aid Demo

2151 - Scout Camp

2152 - Scout Name Unknown

2153 - Scout at Easingwood

2154 - Scout at Easingwood

2155 - John Taylor On Mere

2156 - Scouts Names Unknown

2157 - John Allen Fishing

2158 - John Allen and Martin Brook

2160 - David Wilkinson

2161 - At Ingleborough David Wilkinson

2162 - Scout traversing pond date unknown

2163 - Scouts on night hike

2164 - Ian Hart Peter Fryer Tim Kirkby

2165 - Chris Coulson on Zip Wire

2166 - Chris Coulson on Zip Wire

2167 - John Allen 1963

2168 - Scouts David Wilkinson and others unknown

2169 - Scouts Buttermere

2170 - Scouts names unknown

2171 - Scout name unknown

2172 - Scout Unknown

2173 - Scout Neil McDonald

2174 - Scouts John Allen and Martin Brook

2175 - Scouts John Allen Martin Brook

2176 - Derrik Hancock Music Scripture Teacher

2177 - Scouts on The Mere

2178 - Scout Nigel Robinson

2180 - Scout Camp Cumbria Coulson Farnsworth and Wilkinson

2181 - Scout Rodney Farnsworth

2182 - Scouts Walshaw Morrell Shaw

2183 - Scout John Allen

2184 - Scout Tim Morrell

2185 - Scout name unknown

2186 - Scouts names unknown

2187 - Scout

2188 - Scout Group names not known

2189 - Scouts details not known

2190 - Scout Camp in Italy Derrick Hancock John Taylor Harland Walshaw and J Richards

2191 - Scouts at Robin Hoods Bay names not known

2192 - John Allen Martin Brook

2193 - Scouts Canoeing David Wilkinson and Ian Pemberton

2194 - Scouts details not known

2195 - Scout details not known

2196 - Scout John Allen and unknown

2197 - Scouts Paul Butcher Chris Coulson

2198 - Scout Camp Walshaw Brook and others

2199 - Scout Martinson

2200 - Scouts Graham Simpson John Allen

2201 - Scout John Allen

2202 - Scouts Hulse Robertson Richards On Train

2203 - Scouts Fire Rescue names not known

2204 - Scouts names not known

2205 - Scout H Walshaw on Flamborough Head

2206 - Scout name and details not known

2207 - Scouts names not known

2208 - Scout details unknown

2209 - Scouts names not known

2210 - Scouts names unknown

2211 - Early Morning at Scout Camp No Details known

2212 - Scouts names unknown

2213 - Scouts names unknown

2215 - Scouts David Earnshaw and others

2216 - Scouts names unknown

2217 - Scout John Allen and other unknown

2218 - Scout Map Reading

2219 - Scouts Alex Templar and others Map Reading

2220 - Scouts names unknown

2221 - Scouts Chris Coulson and Martyn Conyers on Zip Wire

2222 - Scouts names unknown

2224 - Scouts names unknown

2225 - Scouts names unknown

2226 - Scout Chris Coulson

2227 - Rodney Farnsworth David Milner and others

2228 - Scout On Wire

2229 - Scouts On Mere

2230 - Scouts names unknown

2231 - Scout name unknown

2232 - Scouts names unknown

2233 - Scouts in Pennines

2235 - Scouting in the snow names unknown

2237 - Scouts names unknown

2238 - Scouts names unknown

2240 - Scout With Firework name unknown

2241 - Scouts on The Mere

2242 - Scouts First Aid

2243 - Scouts on The Mere

2244 - Scouts Alex Templar Chris Coulson

2245 - Scouts Map Reading names unknown

2246 - Scouts D Bedford

2247 - Scouts Hart and Walshaw

2249 - Scouts Walshaw Walsh Houseman Wilkinson and Johnson

2250 - Scout J Richards

2251 - Scouts Wilkinson Walshaw and Walsh

2252 - Greek Scout Camp Calder Hart Walshaw Blunt

2253 - Scouts Wilkinson and unknown

2254 - Scout John Allen

2255 - Scouts John Taylor and others unknown

2256 - Scouts names unknown

2257 - Scouts names unknown

2258 - Scouts names unknown

2259 - Scout Camp details not known

2260 - Scouts names unknown

2261 - Scouts Mountain Hike

2263 - 1958 The Scout Magazine cover page Wilkinson and H Walshaw

2265 - Queen Scout climbing course on Snowdon in Dec1960 Wilkinson

2266 - Queen Scout climbing course Snowdon Coulson in white out Dec 1960

2267 - Queen Scouts Bristol Oct 1960 From bk left Clegg Coulson Allan and Butcher

2268 - Scout Camp Avimore 1960 Coulson Wilkinson Calder

2270 - Scout camp 157 Wales L R Todd Coulson Wilkinson Walshaw

2271 - Scout camp 1957 Wales L R Walshaw Coulson Wilkinson Todd

2272 - Scout camp at Langdale End 1958 Coulson

2273 - Scout camp 1957 Wales L R Todd Coulson Wilkinson Walshaw kneeling Peter Burton plus friends

2274 - Scout camp New Quay Wales 1957 Walshaw Wilkinson Coulson

2275 - Scout camp Wales 1957 THE LOBSTER Walshaw Coulson Wilkinson

2276 - Scout camp Wales 1957 photo by P Burton

2277 - Scout camp Wales 1957 Wilkinson and lobster

2278 - Scout camp Wales 1957 Wilkinson and Todd

2279 - Scout camp Wales 1957 Wilkinson Coulson Todd

2280 - Scout camp Wales 1957 How the lobster was caught Coulson Todd Walshaw

2282 - Scout camp Grange Borrowdale Coulson (photo PB)

2283 - Scout camp Lakes 1958 Coulson in Langdale

2284 - Scout Camp in the Lakes Coulson on Brown Slabs in Borrowdale From The Young Natualist Aug 1960

2285 - Scout camp Lakes Wilkinson lower down and Coulson in Borrowdale

2286 - Scouts Coulson

2287 - Scouts Coulson Butcher and Conyers On Mount Spring 1958

2288 - Scouts Olivers Mount 1957 Coulson

2289 - Scouts Conyers Butcher and Coulson On Olivers Mount

2290 - Scouts Coulson and Butcher (photo PB)

2291 - Scouts Coulson on Mount Spring 1958

2292 - Scouts The Quarry Olivers Mount Coulson (photo PB)

2362 - On the way to Scout camp in Wales 1957 Coulson and Walshaw

2367 - Scouts Olivers Mount 1958 Coulson on horse belonging to Binns (photo PB)

2417 - Scout Camp Newquay 1957 Peeling Potatoes

2418 - Scout Camp Newquay 1957 In Water At Coybol

2419 - Scout Trip Italy 1964 Harland Walshaw At Hadrians Villa Tivoli

2420 - Climbing Snow Slope Cairn Gorms

2421 - David Walsh In Stream 1962

2422 - Paul Butcher Chris Coulson In Snow Date and Location Unknown

2423 - Neil MacDonald On Bagpipes

2424 - Butcher Conyers and Coulson In Snow

2425 - Ian Hart Harland Walshaw Scarfell Pikes Circa 1960

2427 - Scouts In Cairn Corms Date Unknown

2428 - Scouts Cooking Names and Date Unknown

2429 - Scout Gilbert Guy

2430 - Scouts Jo Richards and Alex Templer

2431 - Scout Chris Horsman Tossing Pancake

2433 - Scout Michael Woodward 1965

2434 - Scouts Mapreading On Hike Names Unknown

2439 - Scouts On Rope Bridge Names and Date Unknown

2442 - Scouts Jo Richards Alex Templar Circa 1960

2444 - Queens Scouts 1961

2450 - Scouts In Tent Brian Pickard and Others

2452 - Chris Coulson Climbing Date Unknown

2453 - Chris Coulson and David Wilkinson Climbing Date Unknown

2454 - Scout Chris Horsman Pancake Tossing with David Easingwood Roger Fenby

2455 - Chris Coulson and David Wilkinson Climbing Date Unknown

2459 - Scouts Sawing Log Names Unknown David Steel

2460 - Scouts Mapreading Names and Date Unknown

2464 - Scouts Mapreading No Names or Dates

2465 - Scouts Harland Walshaw and David Wilkinson 1957